βιβλία, βοηθήματα, χαρτικά, παιχνίδια, φωτοτυπίες
Phone Number: 2735022690
Website: Suggest Official Website
Categories: Bookstore
Address: 23051 Kitta, Ghana
Where is located? 5.91667,0.98333 (GPS Coordinates)
Facebook: facebook.com/876739015748828
Instagram: Photos and Videos
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List of nearest hotels:
Keta Beach Hotel located at Beach Hotel Link, 2.18 kilometers south.
Aborigines Beach Resort located at Hotel Link, 2.33 kilometers southeast.
A&Y Wild Camp Ghana located at Aflasco - Emancipation Road, 2.42 kilometers northeast.
Keta Lagoon Resort located at Keta Lagoon, 2.87 kilometers northeast.
You can find and book more hotels, hostels and apartments in our interactive hotel map