聖雅各福群會 - 「親歷奇職」支援家長培育特殊學習需要兒童計劃

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服務範圍:元朗,屯門或天水圍居民 服務對象:6~13歲特殊學習需要兒童的家庭(專注力不足/過度活躍症,自閉症,讀寫障礙)

聖雅各福群會 - 「親歷奇職」支援家長培育特殊學習需要兒童計劃

Phone Number: 3921 3909

Website: ifsc.sjs.org.hk..

Categories: Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

Opening Hours:

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: - , -
Wednesday: - , -
Thursday: - , -
Friday: - , -
Saturday: - , -
Sunday: Closed

Where is located? 6.77372,-1.06224 (GPS Coordinates)


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